2 advantages of designing acrylic jewelry display stand - Acrylic Product Customization

2 advantages of designing acrylic jewelry display stand

Acrylic is characterized by high grade and good transparency. Acrylic jewelry display stands can add luster to jewelry and make jewelry in the window more dazzling. However, everything has two sides, and acrylic jewelry display stand cannot play a positive role in the product. In the design of the display stand, we can design a suitable display stand for the jewelry in the store through the following two points.

The first is the color selection and matching of acrylic. From the perspective of cost, we know that the unit price of colored acrylic is slightly higher than that of transparent acrylic, and the price reflects market demand to a certain extent. Acrylic swatches have good color rendering and are easy to process. Making jewelry display stands out of white acrylic material is a popular choice. Since jewelry has its own brilliance, stores usually design spotlights, chandeliers, etc. For each piece of jewelry displayed, different colors of light make the display stand have a different display effect. Designers should consider the actual lighting effects of the store when color matching. For example, clear acrylic can adapt to changes in lighting color.

Secondly, when designing the acrylic jewelry display stand, pay attention to the harmony of the series combination. A set of jewelry display stands includes at least necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, etc. The display stand should be designed to facilitate individual display and complete display. Color matching is a point that designers should pay attention to, and now this is also what structural designers should pay attention to.

related products: Rotating Necklace Display, Acrylic Jewelry Display Stand, Clear Acrylic Jewelry Display. You can also check acrylic product custom info.



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